📜 New in the Commonplace CommuniquĂ© → 00065 ¶ Tell the Wolves I'm Home ¶ Carol Rifka Brunt

It doesn’t matter that Toby forgave me. That he really truly left this world with not a single bad feeling for me. That we ended as the sweetest of friends. None of that changed anything. There are dark black buttons tattooed on my heart. I’ll carry them for the rest of my days.

But there is another place in my heart that knows that I finally kept my promise. I was the one who took care of Toby right up to the very end, who stayed with him so he wouldn’t be alone. Just like Finn would have wanted. And sometimes, when I don’t want to be sad anymore, I think that makes it almost even.

One thing I do know is that my superpower is gone. My heart is broken and soft, and I am plain again. I have no friends in the city. Not a single one. I used to think maybe I wanted to become a falconer, and now I’m sure of it, because I need to figure out the secret. I need to work out how to keep things flying back to me instead of always flying away.

—Carol Rifka Brunt
—found in Tell the Wolves I’m Home (2012)