
Daily(ish) poem β†’ 00307 β—Š Unexpected Meeting β—Š David Orr

Unexpected Meeting

When he fell in the garden and cut his hand
On broken glass from the vinegar bottle
He’d thrown in drunken anger years before
(He had reached for it eagerly that night,
Mistaking it for wine in the dark kitchen),
It was no great injury, and if he felt
Amid the pain a momentary longing
To echo the longing he’d felt back then,
As you might feel stumbling on an old photo
Of yourself beside a half-forgotten person
You once were drawn to as sunflowers are drawn
Toward their namesake, which is no flower,
This quickly passed as he came to recognize
Himself at two removes, and all at once.

β€”David Orr
β€”found in Dangerous Household Items (2018)