Talked to my mother today and she was mad about the President of Harvard resigning because Rep. Stefanik was doing a victory lap, and thought I would be upset, too. And I am not upset because I am a horrible person and have come to grips with that. No, I hate that Rep. Stefanik is thrilled- fuck her. But after what I have been through the last year with the bullshit at WVU, there will be no rending of garments in this household when anyone in college administration gets fucked over. Claudine Gay may be a delightful person and splendid neighbor, but she’s a college President and wouldn’t hesitate one minute to fuck me or any other faculty or staff member over and then hand everything off to the team of lawyers, so fuck her. My solidarity ends at the admin.

—from Balloon Juice - Another Eventful Day in Tempe [archive]

Could Claudine Gay have handed Stefanik’s questioning better? Absolutely, yes. Did Gay plagiarize? Eh… Can I work up any sympathy for a university president? Not really, because I’m also a horrible person who has seen too much of the insides of the higher education education widgetization complex.